Sunday, September 29, 2019


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Theria
Infraclass: Eutheria
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Subfamily: Bovinae
Genus: Bos
Species: B. taurus

 Cows like to sleep close to their families, and sleeping arrangements are determined by individuals’ rank in the social hierarchy.

Like humans, cows (cattle) form close friendships and choose to spend much of their time with 2-4 preferred individuals. They also hold grudges for years and may dislike particular individuals.

Cows display emotions and have been shown to produce more milk when they are treated better and as individuals.

Cattle get excited when they solve problems. When faced with a challenge of finding out how to open a door to reach food, their heartbeat went up, their brainwaves showed excitement, and some even jumped into the air.

Cows show their excitement when let out into a field after long periods confined indoors.

Cattle like to sleep close to their families, and sleeping arrangements are determined by individuals’ rank in the social hierarchy.

Cows are devotional mothers and are known to walk for miles to find their calves.

Cattle are extremely curious and inquisitive animals which will investigate everything.
Like many other grazing animals cattle have one stomach which is divided into four compartments or chambers: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. This allows them to digest grain and grasses most effectively.

Cattle have almost 360° panoramic vision. This helps them to see predators coming from any direction.

Cattle have an excellent sense of smell. They can detect odours up to five miles away. They can also hear both low and high frequency sounds beyond human capability.
The cow is a protected animal in Hinduism, and Hindus do not eat beef. Cows are honoured at least once a year, on Gopastami. On this day cows are washed and decorated in temples.

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